Byron Bay 23/04-12/05 - Sydney (Maroubra) 15/05-07/06


Today's session was unbelievable. I can't even describe it to be honest. The penny dropped with what Tantra is about today and breathing making all the difference. I have heard this before but I made a conscious effort to focus on this today. Pauline noticed small signs like intense pins and needles in mv hands and reassured me it was positive and moved it through my body. I trusted her and the process and it only got more intense and more amazing. Pauline was fantastic with her communication, reassurance and beautiful energy every step of the way. So good.

tantric massage for him - ANONYMOUS

I would like to share my gratitude and my reflection of the session that you held for Zsolt and I. Pauline created such a safe and sacred space for my partner and I to soften into presence and let go of the week behind. I enjoyed the opportunity to openly discuss my past and reflect how far I've come. It also illuminated how much my relationship with my partner has brought both of us to the expansive state we are in now.

Pauline is so gentle with her words and gives great guidance into tapping into your own energy, eventually creating a fluid channel of energy between you and your partner. I love the way the session awakens all of your senses and circulates energy physically, mentally and spiritually.

After the session I felt like I was floating. The edges of my body dissolved into the ether and my being so light. It was exactly what I needed after going through a tough month and I was energized for days after. Thank you Pauline, I cannot wait for the next session. <3


Before I met and started working with Pauline I felt like I had lost the connection to myself and my sexuality. I needed new tools to awaken myself again but don’t know how or where to start.

Pauline helped me and guided me in such a beautiful and safe way, I felt so seen and heard on all the levels. She helped me understand and find myself again and slowly my sexually energy and fire were built up again!! I can’t thank her enough for doing the work with me and guiding me home to my heart.

somatic sexology - katherine

I recently had the pleasure of receiving a sensual tantric massage from the beautiful Pauline. This was my first time receiving something like this and I felt very apprehensive about my session at first but I didn’t need to worry. Pauline was so professional and was so graceful and so caring. As soon as she placed her healing hands on me, my nerves and troubles melted away and I felt her presence and focus on me throughout the whole blissful session. The slow and sensual touch of Pauline will have you tingling and writhing with joy and the anticipation of what is next to come, will drive you wild with desire. This was the first time in a long time that I felt so alive and present with every joyous touch that Pauline applied to my body. I felt safe and respected at all times but I also felt seen for the first time in a long time. She told me that is was ok receive pleasure without the need to give back and that the whole session was for my pleasure only. This was hard to do at first but once you accept it, it felt incredible and liberating.I thought I would be overcome with guilt and shame but it didn’t happen. Instead I felt nurtured and held and safe and it felt good for my wellbeing to release my stress. I highly recommend a session with Pauline. Go ahead and indulge yourself. Trust me, you deserve it.

tantric for him - alexander johnson

Pauline has such a beautiful and warm soul, I felt at ease with her as soon as we met which made me feel safe to explore my body and sexuality in her presence. She listens intently and she has a wealth of knowledge that has been incredibly helpful for me. She has an ability to create and hold spaces that feel welcoming, calm and safe. Our work together helped me to reconnect to my inner goddess and embrace my sensuality. Thank you Pauline


Pauline is the kind of woman who clearly has the essence of some kind of special magic naturally flowing through and from her. Seeing her for a session was an opportunity to really feel and experience this. I've had the pleasure of witnessing her growth on this enriching path of Tantra over the years and I can see this really is a strong soul purpose of hers. My session with her was as potent as it was blissful. I felt held, nurtured, soothed, softened and safe to open. Her voice is hypnotically beautiful and her touch divine.

sensual tantric for her - charlotte

So luscious...Pauline's event was grounding, warm and lovely!

My partner and I attended her workshop and loved learning about communication tools for intimacy.

The energy was so healing we cannot wait to attend another one.

women's gathering - breezy & SKY

Thank you for this beautiful couple session. Pauline create a safe container for us to feel comfortable to explore our sensual self. She allow us to play around our polarities; moved from masculine (strength, controlling, authority) to feminine (soft, compassion, kindness) and protective energy. The gift is not only happening in the session but she gives you the power to heal yourself & your relationship in the same time. Through creating the safe space, giving the opportunity to come trough your own power, get out what you need and face your fears.

tantric couple session - mel & fabio

Dancing in front of the mirror with all the women around and being seen made me a bit nervous, so I closed my eyes and visualise myself in my safe space. This allows me to calm down and reconnect to my confidence. I feel I always like to give, I feel comfortable giving, I just wanna worship people but then when it’s time for me to receive, I feel like I am not deserving; like its not for me. During the touch/feeling part of the event, when it is my turn to receive usually I would have hide myself to don’t receive but this time as I was in a safe space I lay in surrendering & the feeling was so amazing; that was after the seen/move part that allowed me to relax. I just simply opened my arms and felt everything I was just like I wasn’t nervous. I wasn’t scared, I wasn’t anything I was just allowing & receiving the love.

women's gathering - PAOLA

I could feel Pauline's dedication and care in the sessions we spent together. She always ensured I felt comfortable and took the time to chat before and after each session. We always moved at a pace which felt safe for me. Pauline often encouraged me to express my boundaries and celebrated me when I did.

somatic sexology - phoebe m

I had few beautiful sessions with Pauline; she accompanied me through the process of learning more about myself, my body and my sexuality with love. She gave me very good advices and practices to do at home. I could feel more and more after each sessions. I felt very comfortable in her presence and can’t wait to continue this journey with her.


I really wanted to thanks you after this magic gathering. It’s was a wonderful day really reassuring and comforting to connect with this beautiful feminine energy. A deep connexion with this strength & divine part that we all have inside us and with whom I do not take enough time to meet and connect with it. Thanks to holding this safe space; allow me to see, feel & heal myself.

~ See :Seeing myself as I am, in full vulnerability. looking at me differently than every morning. I meet my soul, my identity without judging me, just welcoming a part that I never really honoured. Finally seeing myself Beautiful, Complete and Perfect.

~ Feel :A deep re-connexion with every part of my body, in a safe place that been holding. Experiencing Self-Love, Self-Awareness. Creating emotional release throughout light touch. And body consciousness. Forgiveness and Love for my amazing body which allows me to do everything I want everyday.

~ Heal : I allowed myself to heal throughout the way I could see my soul and feel body. The way I welcomed without conditions this divine feminine part hiding inside me. Allowed me to BE, to take my place without filter , mask or fear. Just with unconditional Love and trust.

Step Back into my Power !

Honestly, I felt gross for at least 3/4 days after the gathering. Experiencing all the UP and Down that we can have when you live (wrong perspective, because there is always abundance) from a space with lack of everything (self-love, confidence, acceptance, forgiveness, Money, hope, surviving mode, never enough, missing(energy)) But throughout this healing experienced, resentment and pain I can now really see a big shift and I feel really empowered. Thank you so much!

THE PATHWAY & women's gathering - sandra

"When we begin to listen with our hearts rather that our heads, our whole word changes & becomes softer."


Sydney: Maroubra 2035

Byron Bay: Potsville 2489

Central Coast: Long Jetty 2261

Hours: Monday to Sunday, 10-8pm

Appointments outside of hours upon request.

FOLLOW - Kamahealing